Americia In Crisis

Why Can't We Get Along?: What Disturbs Me About America Every time I lo g in to face book, or Google Plus, it's the same thing: We are divi ded, it seems, into two camps who cannot for the life of them say a civil word a bout each other . Republicans and Conservatives look down their noses at anyone who does not agree with their business oriented view of America, and consider all Democrats and Liberals parasites and a drag on the country. They look at them as lowlife individuals who don't want to work for a living. The Democrats and Liberals, on the other hand, look at all Republicans and Conservatives as heartless, demonic souls who only look at the bottom line with no concern about the humanity that drives the economy of the country, and who want to control every aspect of a citizens life, while claiming to want less government. Both sides claim to have the best interest of the American People in mind. Both sides claim that the other side has distorted what America ...