Goodbye, Sweet Memory
T his is a di fferent blog tha n I usually write. It's more of a memoir and a eulogy for a plac e that played an in tegral part of the molding of a young boy an his friends in New Rochelle. It's gone now, just a memory that I will cling to until I can no longer speak. If you don't want to go on and read it, my dear friends, I will thoroughly understand. This is somet hing that is close to my heart, and close to the hearts of the young men and women that I grew up with. I wrot e it for them. I wrote it for myself. But it is open to any who have had places t hat meant so muc h to them be torn down or shuttered. The New Modern Pizzeria The Original Modern Through The Years Memorial Day, 2012 On Lincoln's Birthday, this past Saturday, February 16, 2013, the boys that grew up in New Rochelle in the '50s and '60s of the l ast century, had t