The Miracle Continues- My Quest To Lose 54 Pounds or More

                                      May 21, 2013                                     September 6,2013
When I last posted, I had dropped from 226 pounds to 205 pounds in about three months time. I was going to wait a while before I posted again, but I felt that I had to post now, since I have now arrived at one of my self-made goal weights.. 200 pounds. I am now well on my way to reaching my goal weight of 162 pounds. I still have a long way to go, 38 pounds more, to be specific, but I now know that it is not only possible, it is going to happen, as long as I stick to what I am doing, and remember to shake. Sensa has given me one tool, and made me realize that I must also use others to achieve my goal. Once I am there, the fight will not be over. I will not pull a George Bush and say "Mission Accomplished", because getting there is just half the battle. Staying at that weight, and perhaps even losing an additional ten pounds is the other half. And like every other war,  pushing the enemy into hiding is easy; keeping it from resurgence is even tougher. It will require vigilance and will power from this point on.
 Having quit smoking 3 years ago after smoking for 52 years, and then finally having started to lose the post-smoking weight caused by the slowing of my metabolism, I know that I can do this. I cannot fall back into old habits of eating like I did when I was younger and working, I have to eat good meals, and watch the amount that I consume, and do some moderate exorcize as soon as I am able. This does not mean that I have eat "Twigs and Leaves",  like so many so called experts say that I should. I can still eat tasty meals that I like, I just have to make sure that I do not over eat. I still will occasionally have what I crave; just not every night. I have to always be aware that it is so easy, and so tempting, to slip back into old habits. It's up to me now.
 So, that's my story so far, friends. I hope that I am not boring you with my mundane story; but this is important to me, and it helps to write it down and put it out there. Than you all for your continuous support and love, it is much appreciated.
 John Zaffino, Kent NY
 September 6,, 2013


  1. I meant 'Exercise', not 'Exorcize'. The only thing that I am Exorcizing are the demons that drove me to this weight.

  2. Congratulations John! you have a lot of willpower, it's a beautiful path you take.


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  5. I caught that John and was going to comment on how *appropriate that Freudian slip was. * Exorcize those food demons. You have done wonderfully well and I am right there with you and Sheryl on this. We can all do this. Think how fabulous we will look and feel, ha,ha! All the best to you my brother! Much love and continued support. Have I told you lately that you are a great writer. As to the mundane, never! Remember Seinfeld? Jerry made a career of it!


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