The Veterans Are Not For Sale!

I wrote the following blog last April. I put it aside to read and edit later but never did. One of the sad truths about getting old is that I am getting more forgetful with each passing day.
  Anyway, I was going to write a blog about why I think of November as Veterans Month. I still plan to, but I thought that I would finally publish this one. The way things are going in this country, it's just as relevant now.

It’s been a while since I wrote a blog. I have not written because everything I write these days turns into an angry rant. There is so much corruption in Washington that I cannot help myself.  There are people in high office, both elected and appointed, who are destroying every protection on our environment, and every program designed to help lower and middle-income citizens. They are using their office for their own gain. The swamp creatures are in control. However, when I see what is happening to the Veterans Administration, and the plans of the far right to turn it into a for-profit business, I had to write again. If it’s a rant; so be it.

Word to this administration and every politician in office who has a voice: We, the veterans, who gave our blood, sweat, and tears in support and defense of this country.. these United States, are not assets or commodities to be used for profits by some faceless corporation! We deserve to be cared for and treated with the respect and reverence that we earned. When we put ourselves out there, we never asked for a thing. We’ve been wounded, killed, abused, and at times much maligned. I am not beating a drum for myself...I have never filed for any benefit for my service, even when urged to do so by my fellow veterans; I am doing it for the many who have no voice but have given their all for this beautiful nation.
 The Koch brothers, and the current president, who wrings his hands and states how much he loves our veterans, wish to privatize the VA.. a disaster for those who rely on it. Does it have problems? Oh yes! They need to be addressed and corrected by this government.. not by some for-profit entity. Stand with me and oppose this!
  John Zaffino April 25, 2018 - November 2, 2018
   Kent Lakes, New York


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