The Circus Is In Town

Trump did not like that she brought up the disparaging remarks that he has made about other women, like Rosie O'Donnell. Trump said that he is tired of being 'Politically Correct!'.. well, I'm not a fan of Politically Correctness, either. However, this not give one the right to bully others. This does not give someone, especially someone who has filed for bankruptcy three times. Trump Plaza, Trump Hotels and Casinos, and Trump Airlines, all filed for bankruptcy. Trump claimed during the debates that he "Saw the handwriting on the wall, and pulled out of Atlantic City"... an out and out lie. He was forced out because of mismanagement of his hotel and casino.
Donald Trump is a showman. He lives for the spotlight, but he is a human being who is lacking any humility. He talks about Mexican immigrants and how 'They are rapists and drug dealers..' and yet, these are the same people who work in is various businesses.
Now, I know that many of my friends take his talking points to heart. I know that many think that he is a brilliant businessman who would work to bring the U.S. back to prominence. I urge you to think again. Think Kasich, or Bush, or anyone else. I am not a Conservative, but I would vote for any of the others before this megalomaniac. I know that many of my friends will disagree with me. That's fine.. that is what the United States is all about... we can disagree and still be friends and citizens. This guy is not what you want, despite the fact that he may hit all of your talking points. He is still a bully and a coward.
Let me remind everyone how much I love this country. I served with pride, while this man, and many chickenhawks like him, looked desperately for ways to avoid service. I have nothing but disdain for these people. They found ways not to serve when many of my friends and acquaintances did their duty, and died for and ideal.
On that note, I will just say that I wish each and every one of you Peace, Love, and Tranquility.
John Zaffino Kent Lakes, NY
August 8, 2015
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