Donald Trump is a bully and a coward. Of course, all bullies are cowards at heart. Donald Trump likes to ridicule and disparage people who stand up to him. He doesn't engage them in a debate.... no, he chooses to call them names and minimize anything that they have done. Case in point: John McCain. This bully said that he was no hero, despite the fact that Captain McCain, while a prisoner of war, declined being repatriated to the US because others had been POW's longer than he, and s uch early release was prohibited by the POW's interpretation of the military Code of Conduct : To prevent the enemy from using prisoners for propaganda, officers were to agree to be released in the order in which they were captured. McCain served with honor, while Trump used various deferments to keep from serving. As I said earlier, a coward. Case in point: Megyn Kelly of FOX News. She was the moderator of the first Republican debate and had the audacity to challenge Mr. Trump about his...