My Back Pages: Fading: I haven't written anything in a while..... not because there are not things that I have strong opinions about, but because I just c...
Thanksgiving 2008 OK, now I'm going to sound like the Old Man that I am. This is about Thanksgiving, after all, and Thanksgiving is an old tradition that dates back to Abraham Lincoln. So if you get bored with old-timer stories, hang in there, because this is going somewhere, and I have something to say. Back when I was a young boy, Thanksgiving was a really big deal. It wasn't just Black Friday Eve, or the day that people sat in front of the Television with a plate of food, watching every mind numbing football game that your 200 - Plus television channels will bring you. It was a time to be with your family and enjoy a big meal together. It was a time to reflect on everything that you were thankful for. People got dressed for dinner. Mom and the other women of the family would start cooking and baking days in advance whatever they could, so that the family could sit and enjoy each other's company. No one worked, except for certain utility workers, and people that w
May 21, 2013 September 6,2013 When I last posted, I had dropped from 226 pounds to 205 pounds in about three months time. I was going to wait a while before I posted again, but I felt that I had to post now, since I have now arrived at one of my self-made goal weights.. 200 pounds. I am now well on my way to reaching my goal weight of 162 pounds. I still have a long way to go, 38 pounds more, to be specific, but I now know that it is not only possible, it is going to happen, as long as I stick to what I am doing, and remember to shake. Sensa has given me one tool, and made me realize that I must also use others to achieve my goal. Once I am there, the fight will not be over. I will not pull a George Bush and say "Mission Accomplished", because getting there is just half the battle. Staying at that weight, and perhaps even losing an additional ten pounds is the other half. And like ever
I was reading an article on line the other day and came across a paragraph that focused on 'Baby Boomers' (I hate that title), and it said that some of us were elderly. Curious, I looked up 'Elderly' to find out at what age one becomes elderly, and was shocked to find that I passed that milestone two years ago! How could this be? My mind is still sharp, even if my eyes aren't. My wit is nimble, even if my body isn't. This just could not be true, I told myself. So, I searched several more times, and each time came back with the same result.... I'm elderly. I was stunned. Then, I started to think about aging, and what we have been led to believe we were going to be in for, as opposed to the truth. My conclusion is that we have been led down the garden path to smell the roses, and instead have become lost in the woods. We have been told all of our lives that we will grow old gracefully. Ha! Let me tell you, for most of us, there is nothing graceful about
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