Father's Day.. Dedicated to all the fathers who did their best.

 Another Father's Day has come. We celebrate that hard working man, who made our lives a bit better by all of their hard work. What saddens me is that so many are cast aside as the years wear on. Not necessarily purposely, but due to the pressing needs of immediate family. Soccer games, football games, baseball games... they all come to take precedence over visiting aging family members. It's not of any conscious neglect... it's just that the needs of those in the household overshadow those of the family that we have all left behind.
  Those fathers that worked hard to make a better life for their children and step-children. Those who worked  so hard to try and make a better life than they had growing up; they are often overlooked and cast aside because the pressing issues of day to day life make it so hard to even think about them. Children demand and require attention. Aging parents are slowly pushed to the background....  the only time they are paid any attention to is when they are ill, and the time grows short. This is not to say that all families are like this... this is just to say that it happens to many.
 When I was a young married man, with five children and a wife. I was there for my mother and father every weekend, whenever they needed me or wanted me. It's the way that I was raised.
 Today, I ask all those who have a father who is living to give a little respect and love to the man who worked hard to put food on the table and make a decent life for you and your family. It only takes a few minutes to show your love and respect. 
 To all those fathers out there who have worked hard to give their families a good life, alongside of a great woman, I wish you all a Happy Fathers Day. My love and respect goes out to you all. May all the good will and love of your families follow you to the end of your days.
 John Zaffino Kent Lakes, NY
 June 15, 2014


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