Conspiracy Of Hate
The people that do this are experts at it. They position themselves so that they can put the maximum BS out at a time. They come up with expansive lists of what they say is wrong with what people have seen with their own eyes. They are aided by youtube presentations, some of them professional looking, some of them not, that challenge everything in the real stories from as many different angles as they cqn. Then, they bombard social media, like facebook and myspace, with as many stories as they can filled with lies and half truths so that they have even the most rational people asking questions.
Make no mistake about it, the goal of the people that start these things is to cause as much unrest as they can in the country. They would love nothing more than to paralyze the government through the mistrust stirred up by these false stories. They want people to question the police and doubt the answers that they get. They want to pull down duly elected leaders in both parties through lies and innuendos. They would love nothing more than to bring anarchy to the streets. Why? I would not hazard a guess as to what the ultimate goal is, but I can tell you is that it is not to make us a peaceful society.
I lived my whole life listening to one conspiracy theory after another, and I am very tired of it. But the theories over the past decade or so have gotten worse and have very dark agenda attached to them. Do not be fooled by these people. Before you join your voice to others in crying 'Conspiracy! Fraud!', make sure you do some deep research from reliable sources. In this day and age, we have to be vigilant. Many people in this world would love nothing better than to see he US crumble and fall. We must keep our heads, or we will all lose them.
Good thought process, John, but I am not aware of these conspiracy theories you speak of - only that somebody in the FBI dropped the ball with the dead Boston bomber when he went back to Russia and some documents may have been changed to cover that up. We should have a law enforcement database, imo, that keeps track of these 'suspicious' individuals. That's how Israel protects itself and - yea - it's called profiling.
ReplyDeleteJust speaking my addled mind. ;-)
You're right about dropping the ball, Amy. As for the conspiracy theories, they have been all over facebook and FAUX news for the past week, before the smoke even settled. FAUX will do anything to fan the flames of unrest amongst it's listeners. The conspiracy theories about Sandy Hook are just plain evil. They say that the slaughter of the innocents never happened. Go to youtube and just put in Sandy Hook.. it will blow your mind.