Another phony pol bites the dust! I am so sick of those who claim to be righteous and religious, and who have the audacity to pass judgement on others, being exposed for the hypocrites that they are! Hastert is just another in a long line of pols who have the audacity to pass judgement on gay Americans, and those who believe in choice, claiming that they are 'Christian Conservatives". The real Christians, those who believe in ALL that Jesus said, should be appalled and distan ce themselves from these fakes, phonies, and frauds. Hastert was a man who used his position to make money for himself. He took bribes from the Turks, and took money from all that would buy his vote. I am sick of these pols who sell their positions. I am sick of those who are supposed to serve the people, instead, use their positions to either enrich themselves, or feed their sexual proclivities. Because of Hastert, and so damned many like him, this country is in deep jeopardy. Our jobs a...