
Showing posts from June, 2015

My Back Pages: My Back Pages: The Political Circus Begins

My Back Pages: My Back Pages: The Political Circus Begins : My Back Pages: The Political Circus Begins :  So here we go, into another Presidential race. Actually, it's been going on since the resu...


 We all have had heroes growing up, whether it was a sports star, or some Rock and Roll idol, or idols... someone that we wanted to be like. I had my heroes, some silly teen-aged idols, some political; but let's think about this. We had real heroes who were in our lives all along. They did what they had to do every day... without complaint, without looking for adoration. These real-life heroes were the fathers.  They went out to work each and every day to earn a living to support their family. They worked hard, without complaint, not looking for and special recognition, to make the lives of their families better. They put food on the table. They worked with their wives to make a beautiful home for their children. They were there to try to guide us all to be good people. If you needed them, they were there. They gave counsel when you needed it; they stayed out of it when they knew that they should. Most of all, they were always there. They may have been strict disciplinarian...

My Back Pages: The Political Circus Begins

My Back Pages: The Political Circus Begins :  So here we go, into another Presidential race. Actually, it's been going on since the results of the las one were publishe...

The Political Circus Begins

 So here we go, into another Presidential race. Actually, it's been going on since the results of the las one were published. Millions of dollars are spent on these things. So much time that could be used by some of these pols to do the jobs that they were elected to do. Yet, they use both to gear up for the ultimate elected position. First, they play coy with the press, saying that they are "Exploring their options." They quietly tell members of their inner circles to get the word out that they are running, while denying that they are any time that they are asked. They book themselves on talk shows to get their faces out there.They make policy statements. They criticize the current administration, taking potshots whenever they can. Finally, they call a press conference to announce that they are running for President. You get a menagerie of political animals of all stripes who tear at each other in a frenzy to grasp the nomination of their party. Over the com...

My Back Pages: Greed and Hypocracy

My Back Pages: Greed and Hypocracy : Another phony pol bites the dust! I am so sick of those who claim to be righteous and religious, and who have the audacity to pass judgemen...

Greed and Hypocracy

Another phony pol bites the dust! I am so sick of those who claim to be righteous and religious, and who have the audacity to pass judgement on others, being exposed for the hypocrites that they are! Hastert is just another in a long line of pols who have the audacity to pass judgement on gay Americans, and those who believe in choice, claiming that they are 'Christian Conservatives". The real Christians, those who believe in ALL that Jesus said, should be appalled and distan ce themselves from these fakes, phonies, and frauds. Hastert was a man who used his position to make money for himself. He took bribes from the Turks, and took money from all that would buy his vote. I am sick of these pols who sell their positions. I am sick of those who are supposed to serve the people, instead, use their positions to either enrich themselves, or feed their sexual proclivities. Because of Hastert, and so damned many like him, this country is in deep jeopardy. Our jobs a...