Our Chanukah, Christmas, Kwanza Winter Solstice Tree We have arrived at what is proclaimed to be "The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year" and yet, all I can see is anger, controversy and hatred. What was once a time that I looked forward to, from when I was a very small boy, right through my 50s, has turned into a nightmare. I see a bunch of hateful people declaring that there is a war on Christmas, and firing up all the hate and resentment that they can agains anyone who would dare not celebrate the birth of the Christ. The Ice Queen from Alaska screeches about it, supposedly wrote a book about it. O'Reilly, Hannity, and that drug addict, Limbaugh, use their bully pulpits to rail about this imagined war every hour of every day. People are getting assaulted for saying Happy Holidays, instead of Merry Christmas. Friends stop being friends, non Christians are being marginalized, and the season has turned from one of Peace On Earth, Good Will Toward All ...